Breakfast and Lunch at TAN

What happens if your child wakes up late and doesn't have time for breakfast? We've got you covered! Whether it's the first mouthful of the day or a second snack to keep you going for the morning, Ms. Shannon is at the breakfast window every day at 8:30 a.m.
Our hot lunch program will be ready to go in October. Purchase a digital punch card for 10 lunches at $6 each through your child's account. The card is valid all year or until the ten lunches have been redeemed at which point you simply purchase another for $60. Lunches are a combination of inhouse prepared meals and outsourced from local restaurants. Friday lunches are free!
Interested in volunteering to help with either breakfast or lunch? We love to see parents and grandparents helping out! Call Mr. Pittman at 780.624.3144.